Prolific burglar with multiple crimes caught after leaving DNA on scene

By Published On: December 5th, 2023Tags: , ,

A prolific burglar with multiple records was apprehended after leaving his DNA on a ladder used to break into a property in Church Street, Guilden Morden, on March 4, 2022, and being captured on CCTV.

Peter O’Halloran, a 49-year-old from Gardeners Road, Debenham, Suffolk, stole a ladder from a neighbouring property. CCTV footage showed him walking along the home’s perimeter, using the ladder to look through windows. He then proceeded to break in and burglarise the property, stealing jewellery and watches.

Previously, he had burgled multiple houses in five counties for three years, stealing a fortune in cash, jewels, and valuables. He meticulously evaded security systems while homeowners were away, spending hours ransacking their homes before escaping.

Cambridgeshire officers eventually identified O’Halloran in CCTV footage related to a Northamptonshire burglary in January 2019. This high-profile case, featured on BBC’s Crimewatch, included a significant haul of designer watches, jewellery, and family heirlooms valued at around £700,000 stolen from an elderly Northamptonshire couple.

Despite exhaustive investigations, public pleas for information, and the victim’s offering of a £10,000 reward, the case remained unsolved for some time.

Until this year, Cambridgeshire police reached out to Northamptonshire authorities regarding a burglary, eventually identifying a pattern of criminal behaviour. This led to the apprehension of O’Halloran, also recognised as Peter Sonny Martin Noon.

The capture

Upon raiding O’Halloran’s home last November, police found about £60,000 in cash, coins worth up to £80,000, watches, and bags of gems that add up to approximately £500,000 in total. 

They also found a copy of ‘Confessions of a Master Jewellery Thief,’ a 2004 autobiography penned by American criminal Bill Mason, among other books on antiques, fine metals, jewellery, and gems during their investigation.

In his garage, authorities found an ultrasonic cleaning machine, while inside his vehicle were false number plates, mobile phones, cash, and changes of clothing.

O’Halloran received a 12-and-a-half-year prison sentence at Cambridge Crown Court on November 17. He pleaded guilty to numerous burglaries in Guilden Morden, Northamptonshire and Norfolk burglaries.

Nine other burglaries across five counties were also considered, including four in Cambridgeshire (Waresley, Newton and two in Brington) occurring between January and November 2022.

“O’Halloran is a calculating, professional, high-value burglar with a string of convictions against his name,” said Detective Constable Lisa Bacon of Cambridgeshire’s Southern Burglary Team.

“He considers himself a ‘master thief’, carefully surveying the homes he is going to target and then going to great lengths to ensure the stolen items are not traced back to him.”

Detective Constable Bacon also said that she hoped the sentence would offer closure to all the victims impacted by his criminal actions.

Safeguarding your home

Prolific burglars pose a heightened level of danger compared to random burglars due to their systematic and repetitive criminal activities. Unlike random burglars who sporadically target properties, prolific offenders exhibit a pattern of methodical planning and execution, often resulting in more significant losses and emotional distress for the victims.

To prevent burglary, secure all doors and windows, especially the front door, with locks and hinges meeting British Standard approval for robustness and security. Make sure to pay attention to your garage, as it can also be an entry point for burglars. Always keep garage doors closed and locked, especially when a car is parked.

Consider installing CCTV along with a compatible alarm system, as they act as effective deterrents against thieves. In case of a break-in, CCTV can offer crucial evidence. Additionally, set up outdoor lighting like motion sensor lights to prevent intruders from approaching unnoticed.

Lastly, hire the help of reputable security companies like Marengo that can help create a customised security plan for your home. They will assess security weakness points, implement security plans and even deploy guards if necessary.

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